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my Programing/etc..

Java Virtual Machine

Gandawon 2008. 8. 23. 11:46

Microsoft Virtual Machine

The Microsoft Java Virtual Machine is no longer available from Microsoft directly due to legal wrangling with SUN, however it still can be downloaded...

Microsoft VM build 3805 for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0. 5.4 MB

Java Virtual Machine download link:

Steps to install the Microsoft Virtual Machine:
  1. Download the file using the links above and save it to your harddrive.
  2. Once the file is on your harddrive, execute it and thus load the Virtual Machine.
  3. As the file begins execution, answer Yes to the License Agreement question and then once complete, re-boot your PC.
  4. Once the PC is re-booted you should be set to go.

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